Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Computerless

Dear Computer-havers, the connected,

Last week my iPhone crashed for good. It crashed right after the warantee ran out. Couldn't have planned it better myself. After the initial shock of being cyberly stranded like on a deserted island, I've slowly been able to learn how to wander through life as a computer borrower.

My phone had my dictionaries, my library of books, my music, my journal, all my contacts and phone numbers, my emails, my skype, my camera and photo albums, my bus/tram time-tables, my expedia itinerary viewer, and everything else necessary for being connected globally from the palm of my hand while living like a turtle with my home on my back.

Today, I've been wandering through webpages of job listings. (I'm using an office computer at the coffee shop that I've been helping around with.) Most of the job listings deal with the use of a computer or something technological. Unless I get a computer in the near future with all the money I don't have, I'd have to borrow a computer several times a day to do these jobs.

I've now joined a new class of people... the computer borrowers... even worse...

The ComputerLess.

Yes, you know the ones that you see coming from a mile away just when you started that oh so very important email or your search for something interesting for the ump-teenth time that very hour. The ones that ask with a smile, "Can I borrow your computer?", just like you knew they would. You're never really sure if these people are interested in you as a person or just your computer, but really you never had the chance to get to know them because you couldn't find them on facebook to see their status updates and they were never on skype to chat with. So really it's not your fault that you don't know them. If they were better connected then you're sure that you would know them better. Yes, those are the ones I'm talking about. And as soon as they take your computer and hold it in their laps you just stare at the table that used to hold your computer safely. Suddenly you think of all the other million things you had on your internet-to-do list and you can hear the seconds ticking on the clock across the room... Dang, I wonder what the tempurature in Atlanta, Austin, Memphis, Nashville, Birmingham, Prague, Skopje, Krakow, London, Kiev, Lisbon, Lima, Rome and Richmond are right now? And I wonder who wrote to me on facebook, twitter, blogger Google Buzz, Google Talk, MSN messenger, Yahoo and AIM and how many emails I have now in my email inbox? What if someone had something important to tell me or an important question that was urgent and I don't have my computer to answer them immediately? Will they be ok without my response? Will they be mad at me? Will they forget about me and not need me any more when they find out they can ask someone else that's connected these questions? So then you try to continue your conversations that you were having from your computer with the other people in the room, but they don't really answer you because they're talking to someone else online and managing their life on their screen and suddenly inside you feel alone because it's silent.

The computerless need to find another computer to use because I need my life back.


Brittany Stigall said...

ok this made me laugh quite a lot.

Meredith said...

there's an email from me checking on you. but now i suppose i know a little bit about how you are doing. do you think you'll ever get a computer again?

Mary Ann McMillan said...

i love your blogs! they make me happy :) keep writing!