Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i've been quiet for the most part since i've been home. ya for some that probably seems to be impossible for me, and for others of you, you probably know me as a shy little vagabond. people ask how i'm doing (i.e. high/low lady) and i guess the best answer is that i'm inbetween--not really here and not really there.

some inbetween truths i've learned:
1. life always goes on.
2. people somehow make it without me there.
3. i'm always surprised that people don't need me to carry on with their lives.
4. cooking for myself sucks.
5. considering myself to be homeless is a lot more comforting than thinking of leaving home.
6. married people get to take their homes with them.
7. if i held all of my friends to the "lets keep in touch" rule, i wouldn't have any left.
8. moving costs are always overwhelming.
9. a different place has a different taste and my staple food changes with the seasons.
10. i'd rather sit in my room than meet new people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

goodbyes and little cries

so it's that time again. it's funny to me that i was always the worst transitioner growing up. i hated change. now, change seems to be the rhythm of my life. letting go of people, places, things and dreams in pursuit of following...

...that wind.

that wind. the one that blows where it chooses. no one knows where it comes from or where it goes. yet, the world keeps moving. we're all changing. and that wind... it keeps us dependin on every breathe, every word, every hope that it's left.