Tuesday, December 9, 2008

brazil and tatoo parlors

so i had to take my eyebrow ring out the other day. and when it was time to put it back in, i knew (from experience) i'd probably drop it a few times before successfully screwing the little tiny ball back onto it. so i closed the sink drain and shut the toilet cover. and all was ready... sure enough, the little ball fell right out of my fingers and bounced once in the sink and then... NOTHING! i bounced perfectly toward the sidewall of the sink into the open hole for the extra sink drain.

yesterday i went to the mall to look for a new one. to no avail, i wandered through 3 floors of stores and found nothing. finally i was about to give up when i saw a couple of girls getting their jackets on to go outside. one of the girls had a really cool eyebrow ring in. i kept walking and then said, "screw it" and i turned back around and said, "excuse me. do you speak english?" she did so i explained my problem. so my surprise she offered to take me to the rynek to go find a tatoo shop that would sell that kind of thing. it was really cool.

i was really thankful that i sucked it up and actually asked for help.

i've been thinking about getting a small tatoo for a while, but i haven't known what to get. now i'm thinking of getting a tattoo in polish that says, "i want to live the way". or something like that. who knows.

today i went swimming!!! that was exciting!!!

yesterday i got my butt handed to me by some teenage boys at kids klub. i honestly feel like i'm in middle school when these 2 girls used to call me Michael Jackson (they were making fun of my hair cut for like a year straight) and laugh their heads off non stop. I'm just defenseless against these kids. All I can do it sit there and take their crap and try not to react. Most humilitating experience ever.

tonight is thai food!!! i'm not getting my hopes up though... it'll probably still have canned corn mixed in it with ketchup somewhere.


Michelle said...

Yo. Glad you got your ring screwed back on. :-)

About the Polish...make sure that you get someone who knows the language to help...and there's no word for "the" so...you'd end up with "I want to live way"...could be weird. :-) Maybe get the Korzecs to help you out...they'd understand what you're trying to say!

Meredith said...

Did those Polish boys make fun of you? That makes me so angry.

monika said...

"i got my butt handed to me" - does it mean they laughed at you?but boys or girls? nie rozumiem:/
So you don't want to have caterpillar stories tatooted any more?